Quantum Mechanics
A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing
7 quantum discoveries reveal truth about consciousness
Quantum Theory
Microsoft’s New Majorana 1 Processor Could Transform Quantum Computing
New experiments finally prove a long-forgotten theory about how quantum particles spin
Jeff Kagan: The quantum theory behind the new Google Willow chip
Time is an illusion resulting from quantum entanglement
Quantum theory and thermodynamics: Maxwell's demon?
What is Quantum Computing, and Why Does It Matter?
Microsoft Unveils Quantum Chip
The Prototype: Microsoft Unveils A New Class Of Quantum Chip
Topological quantum processor marks breakthrough in computing
Microsoft Says It Has Created a New State of Matter to Power Quantum Computers
Unified Field Theory
Tom Brevoort's Grand Unified Theory For Scott Summers And Jean Grey
Exploration Mysteries: The Philadelphia Experiment
A New Relativity Theory of the Unified Physical Field
Quantum field theory
Quantum Field Theory
A quantum computer simulates particle creation in the Universe 🌟
Quantum field theory
Simulating particle creation in an expanding universe using quantum computers
Why even physicists still don’t understand quantum theory 100 years on
The Science of Superstrings
Quantum physics
Is Quantum Computing Investable As The Next AI?
Advancing quantum materials: A new approach to controlling electronic states
Quantum machine simulates universe's potential false vacuum decay
True and False Vacuum - Is the Universe Not Final Yet?
Physicists Uncover a Hidden Quantum World Inside the Proton – And It’s Wilder Than We Thought
Homing in on spinning gluons: New study nearly nixes the negative
Physicists Put Together New Picture Of Atomic Nucleus Including Gluons And Quarks
Correlated nucleon pairs predict quark-gluon distributions
First coherent picture of an atomic nucleus made of quarks and gluons
Nuclear Physics
In a First, Physicists Set an Upper Limit in the Search for Hybrid Mesons
Quantum Tech Spurs Jet Clustering Breakthrough
Quantum Information
Microsoft’s New Majorana 1 Processor Could Transform Quantum Computing
Magnetic switch traps quantum information carriers in one dimension
Quantum Computing Has Arrived; We Need To Prepare For Its Impact
The Prototype: Microsoft Unveils A New Class Of Quantum Chip
Microsoft quantum breakthrough promises to usher in the next era of computing in ‘years, not decades’
A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing
Microsoft Quantum Computing Leap : How the Majorana 1 Chip is Changing Everything
Microsoft’s quantum breakthrough signals the dawn of ultra-fast computing
China, US push quantum race forward with major chip advances in one day